Pretty Boy Floyd

Come gather round me children,
a story i will tell
about pretty boy floyd the outlaw,
oklahoma knew him well.
It was in the town of shawnee,
it was a saturday afternoon,
his wife beside him in the wagon
as into town they rode.
There a deputy sheriff approached him
in a manner rather rude
using vulgar words of language
and his wife she overheard.
Pretty boy grabbed a log chain
and the deputy grabbed a gun
and in the fight that followed
he laid that deputy down.
Then he took to the trees and timbers
and he lived a life of shame,
every crime in oklahoma
was added to his name.
Yes he took to the trees and timbers
on that canadian river's shore
and pretty boy found a welcome
at many a farmer's door.
There's many a starving farmer
the same old story told
how the outlaw paid their mortgage
and saved their little home.
Mothers tell you 'bout a stranger
that came to beg a meal
and underneath his napkin
left a thousand dollar bill.
Now as through the world i ramble
i see lots of funny men
some will rob you with a six-gun
some with a fountain pen.
But as through life you travel,
yes, as through life you roam,
you'll never see an outlaw
drive a family from their home.
