Transcendental Medication

Morituri te salutamus
deus ex machina
creatio ex nihilo
dum spiro spero
cogito ergo sum
credo quia absurdum
Transcendental medication ... existential ecstasy
I saw jesus live in vegas
hangin' out with jim and elvis
brahma sat beside mohammad
at the table with confucius
buddha told a joke to gandhi
lennon shared a toke with marley
aristotle hit the bottle
krsna tried to crash the party
Transcendental medication ... intellectual fantasy
I saw crowley kissing judas
shiva dancing with jehovah
stalin beating marx at checkers
freud and satan fornicatin'
hitler picked a fight with moses
dionysus went to pieces
einstein gambled with the cosmos
nostradamus bet on kaos
Artificial inspiration ... accidental overdose
