Obey me, seduce me and fucking please me / kneel down, now touch me, adore
me and serve me / never forget my wish is your command / what i want is what
i get... is what i get / my final warning / i'll hunt you down / i hear you,
i feel you, i fucking smell you / don't you dare to run away / my final
warning-shot, you're begging / your begging turns me on... turns me on / my
final warning / i'll hunt you down / i hear you, i fucking feel you, i smell
you / don't you dare to run away / please come out / come home with me /
i'll never touch you anymore / i can't be alone tonight / it will be the
same as before / don't hate me, call me / come see me / don't be afraid /
where are you, can't fucking see you, i seek you / you can't hide away from
me / my final warning / i will shoot you down